The OSSAA has issued the following statement concerning coaches and their athletes:
It IS permissible for coaches and directors to send workout routines to their respective teams. The routines must be general in nature, no activity specific instruction may be given. The original correspondence was intended to simulate the dead week, however it was not intended to prohibit coaches from recommending a workout routine for the current team members. Coaches may not instruct or guide the workout, but they may provide written workouts, or virtual workouts through YouTube or another virtual platform. No school facilities may be used. Team meetings conducted virtually for the purpose of organizing future fund raising efforts, ordering uniforms or other administrative purposes are permitted. With regard to cheer tryouts being held by a virtual platform, it is not specifically prohibited; however, a virtual platform does not, in our opinion, simulate the face-to-face tryout, and coaches may not be involved in any such tryout at this time. With the restriction on the coaches involvement, it would be very difficult to conduct a tryout in this manner, the final decision will be left to the local school district admin regarding their cheerleading tryouts. We appreciate your patience as we all navigate these constantly changing circumstances.
SUMMER TIME ACTIVITIES: Until further notice, no OSSAA member school activities will be permitted. The timeline for the beginning of summer activities will be provided to member schools at a time when CDC recommendations as well as State and Local government recommendations allow for safe participation.