Kay County Commissioners
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Newkirk, Oklahoma
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of Kay County, Oklahoma, met in regular session at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, the meeting was posted for public information on February 14, 2020, at 8:50 a.m. on the Courthouse front door, Commissioners Court, and basement handicapped entrance of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk, Oklahoma.
Chairman John Wilson called the meeting to order. Those present were as follows: Jason Shanks, Member; Jack Godberson, Member; Brian Hermanson, District Attorney (DA); Christy Kennedy, Kay County Treasurer; Susan Keen, Kay County Assessor; Dennis Bonewell, Kay County Emergency Management Director; Cody Young, Warren Cat; Kevin Lane, Railroad Yard Services; Rodney and Judy Metz, Citizens; Claude Williams, Taxpayers for Transparency; Tammy Reese, Secretary/ Kay County Clerk.
(See sign in sheet).
Chairman John Wilson led the Salute.
Motion was made by Godberson and seconded by Shanks approving regular meeting minutes of February 10, 2020. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Godberson and seconded by Shanks approving to enter into a Kay County Public Buildings special meeting (9:02 am.). Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Godberson and seconded by Shanks approving to re-enter into the BOCC regular meeting (9:15 am.). Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye. To hire 4-H Educator for the Kay County OSU Extension office: Brenda Medlock, OSU Extension, was not present for the BOCC meeting but left her concerns with Commissioner Shanks. Shanks said Ms. Medlock’s current fiscal year’s budget was approved for her office to hire an additional agent at approximately $46,000.00 a year. Ms. Medlock wanted assurance that if she hired for the remainder of this fiscal year, she would also receive funding for the next fiscal year 2021. After discussion of this matter, it was the consensus of the board she would receive funding in her budget for this new hire for FY 2021. No action was taken.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving Agreements between the BOCC and the following to have remote terminal capabilities with the Assessor’s office: City of Tonkawa; John B. Hayes Real Estate & Auction, Inc.; McKenzie-Nolen Agency, Inc.; M4 Enterprises LLC; Holmes and Yates Law Office. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving and acknowledging County Treasurer’s Summary of Collections January 2020 Monthly Report. Motion carried: Godberson,