60 years ago, January 4, 1960
F. B. Olson Appointed City Councilman-at-Large
Foster B. Olson, 111 S. First, was this morning appointed to the office city councilman-at-large by action of the council in its first meeting of it held at the city hall.
Olsen’s appointment followed the resignation Dec. 1 of Clyde
Heltzel for the post. He served in the office until 1956 when he did not file for re-election.
A proposal that the city establish an electricity rate for electric blast furnances was taken under study by the council when
Cliff Salisbury, operator of Tonkawa Foundry appeared before the group to inform them his company had laid plans for such an installation.
Following council discussion, City Manager Hal Hunt was instructed to investigate rates of like installations of neighboring cities. The board voted that transformer installation should be borne by the community.
According to Salisbury’s statements, the two new furnaces to be installed would require facilities for 340 kw demand and would operate with a maximum consumption of 280.
3 One-Act Plays Will Be Presented Wednesday
Three one-act plays will be presented Wednesday evening in
NOJC’s Wilkin auditorium starting at 7:30 p.m.
The plays are directed by play production students of Mrs. Ron
Appleman at experimental laboratory work and no admission will be charged.
Student directors are Barry Williams, Sonny Robins and Glorita
Plays to be presented are “Finders Keepers”, directed by Williams, and starring Glenda Calline and Marilyn Strubble of Ponca
City and Pat Musselman of Tonkawa:
“The Boor” by Anton Chekov directed by Robbins and including a cast of Phyllis Thompson of Ponca City, Joe Dempewolf of
Blackwell and Robbins.
A cutting from Anastasia, by Marcelle Maurette, with English adaption by Guy Bolton, is being directed by Miss Strange. Characters are portrayed by Amila Frey of Ponca City; Nick Flaker,
Blackwell; Tommie Stewart of Oklahoma City; and Carolyn Farris, Tonkawa.
Jerry Williams Honored On 17th Birthday
Marking the 17th birthday of their, son, Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Williams entertained New Year’s Eve a party at their home.
An “all-sports theme was suggested in the party decorations.
The serving table carried as its focal point a large birthday cake crested with figurines of football, basketball and baseball players and was flanked with a replica of a basketball court.
Among those attending were Harris, JoAnn Fuller, Mary Dunn,
Judy and Jan Asbury, Mary Lou Fath and Marjorie Logan, Oklahoma City, and Mike Williams, Jon Altom, Woodie Berry, Ken Bray,
Mark Bolick, Joe Brining, Buddy Jones, Jerry Scott and Duane
Cooper, Blackwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones Host New ...