Northern Oklahoma College had the second most voters register during the most Oklahoma Campus Compact Voter Registration Contest held on Constitution Day in September. NOC, whose voter registration was up 3%, was second to Langston in the division for institutions between 1,501 and 3000 students. A total of 2,734 in-state and 175 out of state voters were registered. NOC was recognized at the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education meeting on Dec. 5. Front Row (L-R): Kaitlyn Jordan, Tonkawa; State Regent Joseph L. Parker, Jr., Dom Spangler, Enid; Chancellor Glen D. Johnson, Vice President for Stillwater Diana Watkins, Cadyn Brice, Enid; Back Row (L-R): Vice President for Enid Raydon Leaton, Vice President for Student Affairs Jason Johnson, NOC Language Arts Instructor Scott Haywood, Foster Shamburg, Enid; Jess Ritchie, Perry. (photo provided)