Kay County Commissioners
Monday, May 6, 2019
Newkirk, Oklahoma
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of Kay County, Oklahoma, met in regular session at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Monday, May 6, 2019, the meeting was posted for public information on May 3, 2019, at 8:50 a.m. at the Courthouse front door, Commissioners Court, and basement handicapped entrance of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk, Oklahoma.
Chairman Jack Godberson called the meeting to order. Those present were as follows: John A. Wilson, Member; Jason Shanks, Member; Brian Herman-son, District Attorney (DA); Rob Davis, Assistant District Attorney (ADA); Kay County Assessor Susan Keen and Janell Leaming, First Deputy Assessor; Frank Cain, Terry Willits, Charles Blair; Caryl Morgan, Newkirk; Ken Bellmard, Kaw Nation; Sharon Rowen, kaynewscow.com; Claude Williams, Taxpayers for Transparency; Tammy Reese, Secretary/Kay County Clerk. (See sign in sheet).
Chairman Jack Godberson led the Flag Salute.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Wilson approving regular meeting minutes of April 29, 2019. Motion carried: Godberson, abstained; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Ordinance resolution pertaining to wind farms: Chairman Godberson mentioned the meeting held on April 30th between Duke Energy and the citizens; he added he heard the meeting went well. Terry Willits stated the meeting only went well if Duke comes back with what we requested. DA Herman-son said he received a Road Use Agreement from Duke. Godberson stated the Road Use Agreement will not be signed until a map of where the turbines are going in is included. Mr. Willits said it was discussed between the two groups about moving location on the 55-63 turbines that are the located closest to city limits and the cemetery. Mr. Willits asked why the county received $50,000 a mile on dirt roads on the wind farm project in Blackwell (several years ago) and on this project the county is agreeing to $15,000 a mile, why the big difference. Commissioner Shanks said it could be road miles and stated there were no black top roads in that particular project. Mr. Willits asked again why the county would not request more money, and risk cutting their throats with Kaw Nation. He said it was several years ago when you received the $50,000 a mile and stated gravel, labor and equipment is not going down; Mr. Willits said he personally thinks the county should ask for more. Frank Cain showed the BOCC a road map and questioned locations. Godberson told him west of Hwy.