The Tonkawa News
65 years ago, March 18, 1954
Citians Make Ag Honor Roll
Two Oklahoma A&M college students from Tonkawa are among
1,466 A&M students who are listed this week on the dean’s list of distinguished students for outstanding academic achievement during the first semester.
This honor is given only to students who are taking a full college load and who earn a B average or higher.
The list included 1,281 students from 296 Oklahoma towns and cities, 170 students from 29 other states and 14 students from 10 countries outside U. S. borders. Fifty-seven achieved perfect records for straight A averages.
Tonkawa students on the list, along with their class and the school in which they are enrolled are: John Prather, commerce senior; and Olin Smith, agriculture senior.
Club to Send Three to Meet
Three members of the Tonkawa Presbyterian Men’s club will represent the organization at the annual convention of the National Council of Presbyterian Men in Chicago Friday, Saturday and
Leaving tonight for Chicago will be Dick McKenzie, president of the local club, Bill Nelson and Dr. R. P. Carter.
It will be the second consecutive year the Tonkawa club has been represented at the national convention.
The men’s club will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. tonight in the basement of the church. A committee headed by Don
Perkins is in charge of refreshments.
Social Club Meets With Mrs. O. Stone
Members of the Valley Center Social club held a regular meeting recently in the home of Mrs. Olin Stone.
A St. Patrick’s theme was used in the program and games.
Mrs. Don Sheets presented the devotional and club reports were read by Mrs. Floyd Christian.
Novel Irish contests furnished the diversion during the social period with prizes going to Mrs. K. C. Smith, Mrs. Earl Davis,
Mrs. Leonard Norris, Mrs. V. J. Nutt, Mrs. Bill Dowler and Mrs.
Lin Trueblood. Mrs. Trueblood received the mystery package and
Mrs. Paul Caughlin the penny drill.
Attending were Mrs. Ward Zody and Mrs. Dowler, guests, and members, Mrs. Trueblood, Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Smith,
Mrs. Caughlin, Mrs. Christian, Mrs. Sheets and Mrs. Nutt.
50 years ago, March 5, 1969
Tonkawa Band Gets Superior Contest Rating
The Tonkawa high school band received a superior rating at the
Central State Music contest held Friday in Edmond, according to information received today from Jim Lupo, band director.
The contest was open to any band in the state, Mr. Lupo said, and 11 bands in Class C participated. Three Class C bands, Wynnewood, Bethany and Tonkawa,