65 years ago, March 15, 1954
Legg Elected To Head VFW
Howard Legg was elected commander of the Tonkawa Veterans of Foreign Wars post at the annual officer election meeting Thursday night in the VFW hall. He will succeed Paul Walker.
Glenn Miller was elected senior vice-commander and Leroy
Kirkpatrick, junior vice-commander. Three officers were re-elected, Arney Dirickson as quartermaster, Fred Smith as post judge advocate and Dr. Glenn Kreger as post surgeon. Walker was named to the board of trustees.
Local Student In Water Show
Miss Sue Crowder, Tonkawa, is a member of the cast for the
1954 Oklahoma College for Women spring water show Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights, March 18-20, in the college pool, physical education building.
The 1954 production is titled “South Seas” and will conclude with the crowning of the queen. Winner of the contest will not be announced until she is crowned at the conclusion of the Thursday night performance.
The show, which is sponsored by the Seals club, OCW organization for skilled swimmers, is student written, directed and produced. It will be presented and produced. It will be presented in seven acts.
Searchlight Class Has Social Meeting
Members of the Searchlight class held a social meeting Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. F. K. Thornton. Mrs. R. McIntire was co-hostess.
Three travelogues presented by class members who have recently returned from winter trips furnished the entertainment.
Mrs. R. W. Small gave highlights of her trip to points of interest in Arizona and Washington; Mrs. Frank Wilkins discussed her travels in California, and Mrs. W. L. Gorman told of her two-month stay in the Rio Grande Valley near Mission, Tex.
To conclude the afternoon’s program, Mrs. Thornton reveiwed humorous articles.
Refreshments were served from an attractively appointed lace-covered serving table centered with a apring floral arrangement of forsythia and jonquils.
Those attending were Mrs. A. B. Plumb, Mrs. Small, Mrs. J. L.
Harris, Mrs. W. L. Gorman, Mrs. McIntire, Mrs. Frank Wilkins,
Mrs. A. J. Veronneau, Mrs. J. L. Jones and Mrs. Grove.
50 years ago, February 27, 1969
Charles Powell Feature Subject In Florida Paper
Charles Powell of Tampa, Fla., son of Mrs. Wayne Pledger, 518
N. Sixth, was recently the subject of a feature article appearing in the Familly Today section of the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times.
Powell graduated from Tonkawa High school and attended
Northern Oklahoma college. He received his degree in psychology from Oklahoma State university and did graduate work there, and is now employed with the U.S. Public Health Service in Florida as ...