‘It’s All About ‘Hope’
It was Palm Sunday afternoon. Word had spread about Jesus. The crowds gathered to greeted him as he entered into Jerusalem through the gate called “Beautiful”.
In the Gospel, this was on the heels of his raising his friend Lazarus to life. Jesus had been attracting significant crowds, and they were even bigger than normal because this was a festival week. Folks had traveled to Jerusalem from all over the known world to celebrate the Passover.
Words of ‘hope’ about Jesus had spread to the visitors in the city. Some of them were Jews who had been held captive for generations * Both as slaves and as third class non - citizens by the Roman government. Others, visitors were Gentile converts who had gotten the wind of ‘hope’ about this incredible rabbi.
They like us placed their hope in Jesus. Finally, they thought, this was what they had been waiting - 3 years for. Now, Jesus would finally throw off the Judean “Clark Kent” disguise and become Israel’s “Superman.” The long-awaited Messiah had come - into His glory!
Take a moment and read ***** Luke 19:28-40 *****
Oh, on that first Palm Sunday, it was - All About Hope! Luke is the only Gospel writer to record the objections of the Pharisees. Did you hear what they said to Jesus? “Make your disciples stop their cheering!” Jesus replied, in effect, “Somebody’ is going to shout today. If they don’t shout then, the very stones along the path will shout!
In essence Jesus is saying “All of God’s creation must shout today, because I am now revealed for who I am. Jesus was telling them that He has come as the world’s last and best hope for personal and national salvation.
Oh, my sisters and brothers there had to be shouting on that day and we too need to shout today. On that day they were full of hope when he rode into Jerusalem
They knew that it was no ordinary man they were following. They said so with shouts of praise. And because of hope, we too should shout so loudly that the whole world knows that we too, put our hope in the Christ.
On Palm Sunday, April 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Assemblies of God Church, your ministerial Alliance will be hosting a community Easter service. We hope you will join us as we celebrate as a community that we too shout ...