Monday, October 19 will be a Distance Learning Day for all Tonkawa Public School Students. Students will not physically come to school but will participate in a virtual learning day, which will count as an instructional day. This is a required day and attendance will be taken. This day will be deemed as a practice Distance Learning Day so students can be prepared if isolation, quarantine, or school closure occurs.
All secondary students will take chrome books home as usual on Thursday, October 15. Elementary students will be bringing home chrome books for the first time on Thursday as well. Students are required to return to school with devices on Tuesday, October 20. If a family does not have access to Internet, a hot spot will be distributed to the parents of the oldest student in the family. Hot spot distribution is based on the Internet Access Survey completed at enrollment.
Students at the secondary level are required to log in to their 1st hour, 2nd hour, and 3rd hour teacher’s Google Classroom and complete the assignments to be counted as “present”. The log in and assignment completion can be at any time during Distance Learning Day until 11:59 pm. however teachers will only be available to assist students from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM on that day as they will in meetings in the afternoon.
Elementary students will follow instructions sent home by their teachers, which will also require completion of assignments for the student to be counted as “present”.
Meals will be provided to all children age 0-18 on Distance Learning Day as it was for the closure last spring. Distribution of meals will occur from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM at the kitchen door of the cafeteria at the mid-hi/high school. The drive-through meal distribution will include breakfast and lunch for each child.