fnbok buys bonds
Filing will open Monday, Dec. 2, for office five on the Tonkawa Board of Education, according to a resolution approved Monday by the school board.
The filing will last until 5 p.m. wednesday, Dec. 4.
Casey McAninch is the incumbent.
The primary election will be Feb. 11 only if three or more candidates file for the post; otherwise the election will be held April 7.
At a special meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8, the board awarded the $925,000 in general oblication building bonds to First National Bank of Oklahoma with the Baker Group. the net interest cost is $65,527.50 and the interest rate is 1.598232 percent.
In other action at the Monday night meeting, board members Cara Beth Johnson, Casey McAninch, Jerry Hook, Mary Allan and Nancy Appleman:
-- Approved encumbrances totalling $201,418.35 from the general fund.
-- Reviewed a tonkawa High school 2019 ACT college readiness report.
-- Approved the hiring of Brian Hembree of Hembree & Hodgson Construction Management, LLC as construction manager for the TES classroom/restroom addition and school security bond project.
-- Approved the contract with architect Perry Schauvliege of Perry Schauvilege & Associates, PLLC for architectural services related to the TES classroom/restroom addition.
-- Approved the resolution calling for the annual school election.
-- Approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Tonkawa Public schools, tonkawa Police Department and the Kay County sheriff for the 2019-20 school year.